Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Jesus - February 23rd

Salvation - March 2nd

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Salvation - March 2nd

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Mardi Gras
5:30 PM17:30

Mardi Gras

St. Matthew’s is hosting a Mardi Gras meal on Tuesday, March 4th. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Delicious jambalaya, red beans & rice, green salad, and sweet desserts will be available.

Ticket prices are 18 & older - $10.00, Children: 7 to 17-$5.00, 6 and under free.

All proceeds will fund our youth group needs.

Please consider assisting with:

  • Set-up (2:00-5:00), 

  • Cooking (3:00-6:45) or 

  • Clean-up (6:45-7:45)

Tickets and a sign up sheet will be available after services near the butterfly window on February 16th, 23rd and March 2. No tickets will be sold after the end of Services on March 2 to give us time to shop and prepare the dinner. 

Contact Kathy Lyn 970 640-8078 or Sue Emerson 970 216-0537 with any questions.

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A Day With the Psalms
9:00 AM09:00

A Day With the Psalms

A Day with the Psalms Saturday March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM at St. Matt’s Last year the women of St. Matt’s were invited to a weekend away with the Psalms. If you’re a woman who missed it, or a man who’s interested in the topic, please join us for a mini version of the retreat. In this one-day session we will examine the poetic nature of the Psalms, consider the different genres or types of Psalms, and introduce you to various forms of prayer using the Psalms. All are welcome, even if you attended in September. Please contact Desiree at 970-242-3293 or to let us know you’re coming. For more information see Mother Jan or email her at Lunch will be provided.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

God - February 9th

Religion - February 16th

Jesus - February 23rd

Salvation - March 2nd

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Anglican Prayer Bead-Making Event
9:00 AM09:00

Anglican Prayer Bead-Making Event

Anglican Prayer Bead-Making Event:

Prayer beads are a contemplative way of praying. They help us clear our minds and allow us to be still in God’s presence. The touching of the fingers on each successive bead is an aid in keeping our mind from wandering, and the rhythm of the prayers leads us more readily into stillness. 

The youth group will lead a short workshop on Sunday, March 9th, after the 8 am and 10 am services. All the supplies needed to design and make your prayer beads will be provided, including a pouch for your beads and a guidebook on ways to pray with your beads. Please sign-up under the butterfly window or email Becky at if you can join us for this event. If you have beads or old necklaces you want to donate to this cause, please drop them off in Becky's office.

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Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years
10:30 AM10:30

Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years

Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00

Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal 

The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years
10:30 AM10:30

Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years

Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00

Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal 

The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years
10:30 AM10:30

Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years

Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00

Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal 

The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years
10:30 AM10:30

Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years

Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00

Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal 

The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Practice - April 6th

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Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years
10:30 AM10:30

Spiritual Momentum for Our Later Years

Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00

Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal 

The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

Religion - February 16th

Jesus - February 23rd

Salvation - March 2nd

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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Coffee Hour
9:00 AM09:00

Coffee Hour

The Inquiring Heart: Engaging the Questions. Coffee hour continues over the next few Sundays at 9:00 with DVD presentations addressing basic aspects of Christian belief and practice. Featuring brief discussion starters by Marcus Borg and others, these sessions are sure to provoke thought about what it means to follow Jesus. While not a necessary component, daily readings from the Lenten study The Disciples Way may contribute to a deepening of your Lenten faith journey. All are welcome.

God - February 9th

Religion - February 16th

Jesus - February 23rd

Salvation - March 2nd

Cross - March 16th

Bible - March 23rd

Church - March 30th

Practice - April 6th

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6:00 PM18:00


All women and their friends are welcome to come to socialize with other women in the parish. This is a potluck dinner so please bring a dish to share. More than the food, it's about making new friends and enjoying a night out. There is no entry fee but a voluntary donation is suggested to help local agencies serving women in need. RSVP directly to Sue Van Voorhees at

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8:50 AM08:50

Annual Meeting

St. Matthew’s will hold our annual parish meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at St. Matthew's. The meeting will also be streamed via Facebook Live. In addition to the annual meeting, the finance committee is hosting a meeting for interested members to review the 2024 financials and present the 2025 parish budget. Nominations for parish offices have been closed, so assent voting will be used this year. Sunday Morning Schedule 8:00 - 8:50 a.m. - Worship including the Annual Report of the Rector 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. - Finance and budget meeting for interested members 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. - Worship including the Annual Report of the Rector 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Annual Parish Meeting for everyone

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The Connect Committee
11:00 AM11:00

The Connect Committee

The Connect Committee is that group that organizes the Open Table Dinner Groups and the Saturday Drop in Open Table Coffees.  If you have suggestions for what went well or how we could improve either the Dinner Groups or the Drop in Coffees, please join us on Jan 19th after the 10:00 service in the library. We would like your feedback! We are also looking for additional member for our Committee. If this sounds like a way that your would enjoy helping our church community, please join us too or contact Jan DeLay or Marty McDaneld.

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Outreach Thanks You
11:00 AM11:00

Outreach Thanks You

Please join St. Matt’s Outreach Team on Sunday, January 12th after the 10:00 AM service, as we celebrate YOU! We want to thank you for the support and contributions you have made to every Outreach Project throughout the past year. None of what we do in the community is possible without your love and generous spirit.

Members of the various Outreach projects will be available to answer your questions and share the good news about the work being done in our community. Learn about ways you can be more involved while you enjoy samples of Stone Soup’s favorite recipes and nibble on sweet treats provided by our resident baker, Tanya Davis.

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Refresh Committee Tour
9:15 AM09:15

Refresh Committee Tour

On Sunday January 5th between services there will be a tour of the building and grounds for those interested in the Refresh Committee or just interested in learning more about the church building and grounds. If you are interested in seeing our current layout please join us! We will meet in the common area at 9:15 on 1/5, look for Jason Vroman and Heidi Plank.

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