Adult Spiritual Formation
St. Matthew’s takes formation in Spirituality very seriously with seminars, worship opportunities, Seasonal offerings during Lent and Advent, retreats, and spiritual direction. Please check our current offerings in the Sunday morning bulletin or follow this link to our Weekly Announcements.
Daily online Morning Prayer with St. Matt’s
Weekdays at 9:15 am (click here for the Zoom link) Call the office at 970-242-3293 for the password.
Theological conversation, Bible studies, and topical lectures for adults between the 8am and 10am Sunday services on most Sunday mornings.
Bible studies
Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am. Father Steve Hood leads a popular study on various books of the Bible. You're invited to join at any time.
Monday morning men’s study at 7:30 am. All men are invited to a Bible Study.
A four year course in theological reflection led by Deacon Rich. Meets on Sundays after church. Group forms in the fall and begins meeting each Spring. All are welcome but the class requires a commitment during the fall sign-up period. See Deacon Rich for details.
Led by the St. Matt’s clergy, these classes occur periodically (and more often when needed). The purpose of these classes are to help newcomers to the Episcopal Church gain a foundation in the theology, history, and ethos of the church, as well as formation in basic Christianity. Additionally, long term members can refresh their knowledge of the church and hear from the different perspectives of the parish clergy as well as chosen supporting materials. These classes are open to all including older youth. Basic classes in Christianity begin in February 2025 during the Clergy Coffee Hour. A deeper dive into living out your Christian faith in the Episcopal Church will begin in early May 2025 in preparation for Bishop Kym’s visit at the end of June (these classes will meet on Sundays following the 10 AM service).
Forward Movement: Daily Devotions
Click here for the Forward Movement site and explore more options for prayer and devotional reading, including daily Morning Prayer.
centering prayer
Thursdays at 4:00 PM in the nave. Centering Prayer is an opportunity to sit silently in the presence of God. In spite of it sounding like a solitary experience, participants form bonds that help them deepen their relationship to the Divine. All are welcome, and if you are new to Centering Prayer, this is an excellent opportunity to learn this spiritual practice.
Spiritual Momentum for our later years
Wednesdays During Lent, 10:30-12:00
Facilitated by the Rev. Jan Head, Lyn Fraser, and Reenie Neal
The series will provide a safe space and structure for exploring the challenges and rewards of aging within a spiritual context. Participants will explore topics such as dealing with loss, expressing our laments, finding gratitude in the midst of change, building resiliency, and maintaining forward momentum in our spiritual lives. We will consider (with some help from Mary Oliver) questions and beliefs about aging including how we pray, what we worry about, what we believe about death-dying-and the afterlife, whether we have to walk on our knees through the desert for a hundred miles repenting, and how we get our house ready for God when there are mice under the sink. Sessions will combine informative content with reflection, directed discussion, experiential exercises, and contemplative practice.
more opportunities
Stay tuned for other upcoming educational and faith formation events. If you have ideas of topics you would like to see made into a class, or if you would like to lead a class, please contact the church office to share with the pastoral staff.
labyrinth at st. matthew's
Our prayer and meditation labyrinth is located in the southeast corner of our lot near the fence line and walking path into The Knolls. You are welcome at any time to come by to walk and pray. Let the labyrinth’s path guide your inward journey, find rest at the center with God who is our source, and lead you outward into resolution and clarity.
faith: the episcopal church in colorado
A resource from our Diocese of Colorado, this website is packed full of faith formation ideas, exploring topics such as "Who is Jesus?" and how to pray the Daily Office. Interactive and engaging, you will want to bookmark this! Click on the picture to connect you to this resource.
sacred space
Start your day off with scripture, meditation, and reflection with this online interactive devotion published by the Irish Jesuits. Click on the picture to connect you to this resource.